Written By: Tanya Douglas
Woman meditating in the middle of a projection
As more and more people are becoming interested in energy healing, the chakras grow in popularity. The chakra system consists of seven energy centers that go from the tailbone to the center of the head. When one of these areas is blocked or unbalanced, it can cause mental strain, emotional distress, or sickness. And the easiest way you can find out whether you have chakra blockages is by learning about them. You can then take charge of your health and well-being by balancing your chakras yourself or with the help of an expert, such as a Reiki practitioner. So, if you want to learn chakra balancing methods and treat physical, mental, or emotional diseases, keep reading this beginner's guide.
What are the chakras?
The chakra system first appears in the Vedas. It is a Sanskrit text written in India between 1500 and 500 B.C. This text explains that chakras are disks in your body that are energy centers. Those energy centers, which link to form an energy system, regulate the physical, psychological, and spiritual functions of your body. Also, the chakras are perfectly aligned from the sacrum bone to the top of the head and correspond to various areas of the body. As a result, if one of the chakras falls out of balance or is blocked, you will feel it.
However, you don't need to worry. There are multiple ways in which you can treat your chakras and have them in balance again. Sound therapy, yoga, or meditation, for example, can help you do that. So first, we will look at where your chakras are and what they regulate. Then, we will talk about chakra balancing using this beginner's guide.
Muladhara, or the root chakra
Color: Red
Crystal: Red jasper, fire agate, tiger's eye
Element: Earth
You can find this chakra at the base of your spine, on the pelvic floor, and on the first three vertebrae. It is also referred to as the root chakra since it is the foundation of your energy system. Muladhara is responsible for your sense of security and survival. Better said, it is closely related to your basic needs of food, water, and shelter. Emotionally, it is related to letting go of fear and feeling safe. Muladhara is blocked when you have anxiety, nightmares, or fears. Physical difficulties with the colon, bladder, lower back, or feet might also indicate a root chakra blockage.
How to balance Muladhara:
Spend time outside and near trees to reconnect with nature. Walk barefoot on the ground to have more access to the earth element. Practice the Malasana, Tadasana, and Vrikshasana yoga poses. Increase the amount of earthy-red foods in your meals, such as tomatoes, radishes, peppers, or pomegranates. Keep close to you some red stones like fire agate, red jasper, and tiger's eye.
Vrikshasana is a yoga pose that is part of this beginner's guide to chakra balancing.
Svadhisthana, or the sacral chakra
Color: Orange
Crystal: Citrine, amber, sunstone
Element: Water
This chakra is closely related to passion, creativity, and sexual desire. You can find it between the pubic bone and the navel. When this chakra is aligned, you feel friendly, fulfilled, passionate, and joyful. You know the sacral chakra is blocked when you feel uninspired, lack libido, and depressed. Physically, you might have lower back pain, spleen and kidney issues, or sexual organ problems.
How to balance Svadhisthana:
Spend time around water and swim in natural water sources, such as a lake, sea, or ocean. If not, you can simply take a bath at home. Also, if you can, create a calming atmosphere when designing a peaceful living space in a room or a corner of your home where you can practice some yoga poses. You should include some plants, citrine or amber crystals, and a water fountain. They will help you relax and concentrate better. Then, you can practice Anjaneyasana, Baddha Konasana, and Eka Pada Rajakapotasana yoga poses for the sacral chakra. Finally, you can add more carrots, pumpkins, oranges, or mangos to your diet.
Manipura, or the solar plexus chakra
Color: Gold/Yellow
Crystal: Pyrite, citrine, tiger's eye
Element: Fire
The third chakra is the source of power and the ruler of your self-esteem. Also, this chakra is closely related to your metabolism and digestion. You can find it above the navel and under the rib cage. If Manipura is blocked, you may have poor self-esteem, anger issues, and difficulty making decisions. Physically, you will feel fatigued and have problems with digestion.
How to balance Manipura:
Practicing sunbathing is one of the best ways to balance your third chakra or watch the sunrise or sunset. Also, you can practice yoga poses such as Navasana and Phalakasana or the bow pose asana. In addition, you could light a bonfire and burn pieces of paper with your emotions written on them. That will help you release the pain and anger you might feel inside.
Anahata, or the heart chakra
Color: Green
Crystal: Rose quartz, jade, green calcite
Element: Air
Anahata is the center chakra and is associated with love and the heart. You can find it in the center of the chest, encapsulating your heart, thymus, lungs, and breasts. You feel forgiving, loving, and compassionate when this chakra is balanced. If Anahata gets blocked, you start feeling grief, jealousy, anger, betrayal, and hatred. Physical symptoms include asthma, palpitations, shoulder discomfort, and wrist and arm pain.
How to balance Anahata:
Write a list of things you are grateful for and use meditation for your heart chakra. Furthermore, exercise deep breathing, eat more green foods, and practice heart-opening yoga positions. For instance, you can try Ustrasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana, and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. In addition, tell yourself that you are worthy of love and freely give and receive love. Moreover, wear rose quartz around your neck near your heart to quickly rebalance the Anahata chakra.
Meditating is highly recommended for balancing your heart chakra.
Vishuddha, or the throat chakra
Color: Blue
Crystal: Aquamarine, lapis lazuli
Element: Ether
The fifth chakra is all about communication, truth, and honesty. You can find Vishuddha in your throat closely related to your thyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, and larynx. This chakra is balanced when you can easily express yourself and listen to others. When this chakra is blocked, you swallow your words, feel judged, and lose focus. Also, you can experience neck and shoulder stiffness, sore throat, jaw and dental pain, or thyroid problems.
How to balance Vishuddha:
Sing in the shower, practice speaking in the mirror, or rehearse challenging discussions. For a blocked throat chakra, try yoga poses like Matsyasana and Setu Bandhasana. If your throat is hyperactive, try positions like Halasana and Sarvangasana. Also, stretch and roll your neck every morning to help relieve the throat chakra blockage. In addition, journal your ideas and feelings to practice self-expression via writing. Alternatively, you can try to express yourself through art. As you can see, this beginner's guide to chakra balancing can teach you not just about what chakras are but how to keep them in order.
Ajna, or the third eye chakra
Color: Indigo
Crystal: Amethyst, labradorite
Element: Light
The sixth chakra governs your intuition and your capacity to detect deception. Dreams, thoughts, and forgetfulness are also associated with this chakra. If Ajna is in balance, you will be able to articulate your thoughts and see a clear picture. When out of balance, you will have brain fog, trouble sleeping, and problems learning. You may also feel more judgmental, disconnected, and stressed. Physical symptoms include grogginess, headaches, migraines, seizures, and brain disorders.
How to balance Ajna:
Meditation is the first thing you can do to change your brain. Also, you can practice yoga poses that compress the third eye chakra, such as Balasana or Uttana Shishosana. Additionally, practice asanas such as Uttanasana and Viparita Karani that increase oxygen flow to the brain and reduce headaches and mental strain. In the end, you can open your third eye by practicing candle gazing meditation. This method will help you improve your memory, focus, and eye health.
Staring into the flame of a candle can be calming and relaxing. As a result,
candle gazing meditation is essential for your third eye chakra.
Sahasrara, or the crown chakra
Color: Violet
Crystal: Selenite
Element: Nothing and everything
The crown chakra connects us to our higher selves, others, and the divine. This chakra is at the top of your head and is responsible for your consciousness. When aligned, you feel connected with the universe and able to open your spirit. If Sahasrara gets blocked, you feel disconnected, detached, and without a purpose. Physically, you might feel dizziness, headaches, and lightheadedness. You might also have trouble sleeping and low coordination capacity.
How to balance Sahasrara:
To strengthen your spiritual connection, meditate each day. Also, end each meditation with a one-minute chant of Om. In addition, read spiritual materials and try stargazing. Try practicing yoga positions that link the top of the head to the ground, such as Sirsasana and Savasana. Consume high-frequency foods such as fruits and vegetables, raw chocolate, nuts, and seeds. At the same time, avoid eating processed or sugary foods.
Final thoughts on chakra balancing
As you can see, chakra balancing can be easy if you have a beginner's guide. What is essential for you to understand is that your chakras work as a system. As a result, when one is out of balance, the rest will suffer too. So, if you believe you have blocked chakras, seek the assistance of a healer to help you align them all at once. You will feel much better from head to toe.
Thanks so much to Tanya for such great information! I appreciate all of your hard work and writings on ways that can help you live your best life! If you find yourself looking to take a deeper dive into the chakras, you can find my ebook, a complete guide to chakras here!